Friday 23 September 2011

He gets an Ocean

There are too many things about Squamish that we love to list them all.  One of the many things that has made it so wonderful living here is being able to take my son on a walk directly out our back yard onto a path that leads down the forest to the river where a spectacular view of the Chief awaits.  I recall the joy I got out of playing in the creek by my home as a child & it warms my heart to watch him find that same joy in the endless nature surrounding us.  My creek was like a puddle compared to his entire ocean.  What a lucky little dude.

Saturday 3 September 2011

Madison knows what's going on

  It was finally Tuesday.  I was so excited!  With a load of new props & a brain full of ideas I was off to photograph Madison.  Whom by all accounts was the sleepiest little baby you could ever meet.  Surely I'd be able to pose her in all sorts of ways & have so much fun!

  But little Madison stayed wide, wide awake.  Sensing something was afoot she was content to look around and try to take it all in.  Focused on the camera she kindly let me see just how astute this little girl is bound to be.

She did eventually succumb to sleep, although never deeply.  Just on the brink, so she could keep an ear out for any excitement to be had.